Summer Schools

Tutorial classes and schools I have tought include the following:

  • October 1996 – Tutorial Class „Neurobiologische Aspekte von repräsentationalen Zuständen“. Autumn School Cognitive Science, University Saarbrücken (with Thomas Metzinger, Mainz)
  • July/August 1997 – Tutorial Class „Dynamik neuronaler Netze – Physiologie und Theorie“. Summer School of Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes, Marienau (with Peter König, Osnabrück)
  • August/September 1998 – Tutorial Class „Repräsentation und Bewusstsein – philosophische Konzepte und neuronale Grundlagen“. Summer School of Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, St. Johann, Italy (with Thomas Metzinger, Mainz, and Wolf Singer, Frankfurt)
  • June 2000 – Tutorial Class „Constraining Consciousness: Towards a Systematic Catalogue of Explananda“, organized as part of the 4th Conference of the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC), Brüssel, Belgium (with Thomas Metzinger, Mainz)
  • September 2000 – Tutorial Class „Einführung in die Kognitive Neurowissenschaft“. Summer School of Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, St. Johann, Italy (with Peter König, Osnabrück, and Rainer Goebel, Maastricht)
  • August/September 2003 – Tutorial Class „Kognition und Handlung – neuronale Mechanismen der Welterzeugung“. Summer School of Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, St. Johann, Italy (with Peter König, Osnabrück, and Rainer Goebel, Maastricht)
  • June 2005 – 3rd European Neuro-IT and Neuroengineering School „Neuroengineering of Cognitive Functions“. Future Centre of the Telekom Italia, Venice, Italy (with Alois Knoll, Munich, Guy Orban, Leuven, Peter König, Osnabrück, Gulio Sandini, Genua, and Marc de Kamps, Munich)
  • August/September 2006 – Tutorial Course "Kognition in Mensch und Maschine". Summer School of Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, St. Johann, Italy (with Alois Knoll, Munich) 
  • March 2007 – Module „Consciousness“, European Diploma in Cognitive and Brain Sciences (EDCBS). Hanse Institute for Advanced Studies, Delmenhorst, Germany (with Kevin O‘Regan, Paris, Kai Vogeley, Köln, and Rainer Goebel, Maastricht)
  • Juli 2007 – 5th European Neuro-IT and Neuroengineering School „Cognition and Action“. Hanse Institute for Advanced Studies, Delmenhorst, Germany (with Alois Knoll, Munich and Rolf Pfeifer, Zurich)
  • September 2007 – Summer School of Sino-German Graduate Training Group Cinacs. Tsinghua University, Beijing, China (with J. Zhang, Hamburg, and others) 
  • September 2009 – Summer School of Sino-German Graduate Training Group Cinacs. Tsinghua University, Beijing, China (with J. Zhang, Hamburg, and others) 
  • September 2011 – eSMCs Summer School „The future of the embodied mind“. San Sebastian, Spain (with E. di Paolo, San Sebastian, and others)
  • September 2012 - BCBT/eSMCs Summer School "Sensory-Motor Contingencies in perception, cognition and action". Barcelona, Spain (with P .Verschure, Barcelona, and others)
  • September 2013 – Summer School of Sino-German Graduate Training Group Cinacs. Tsinghua University, Beijing, China (with J. Zhang, Hamburg, and others)
  • September 2013 – eSMCs Summer School „Embodiment and morphological computation". Zurich, Switzerland (with R. Pfeifer and others)
  • September 2014 – Tutorial Class „Paradigmenwechsel in der Kognitionswissenschaft: von Repräsentationen zu handlungsorientierten Ansätzen“. Summer School of Schweizerische Studienstiftung (with Peter König, Osnabrück, and Kevin O’Regan, Paris) 
  • October 2015 – socSMCs Autumn School „The sensorimotor foundations of social cognition“. Boltenhagen, Germany (with P. König, P. Verschure, D. Kragic and others)
  • September 2016 - BCBT/socSMCs Summer School „Socializing sensorimotor contingencies". Barcelona, Spain (with P .Verschure, Barcelona, and others)
  • September 2017 – Tutorial Class „Sensomotorische Grundlagen sozialer Kognition – neue Einblicke in soziales Verhalten“. Summer School of Schweizerische Studienstiftung (with Peter König, Osnabrück)
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